Wednesday 9 October 2013

"WE" to an unknown soul

She walks between the streets
With thoughts running though her head
She cries within 
But the world knows nothing

Hardship is her shadow 
There is no escape and no running away
She works until her skin cracks 
her feet bleeds and she feels no pain

Her body is numb to the world and its ways
Her soul is what she protects
Faith is what she relies on
Hope is what she pampers

You and Me is what she awaits for

A friend that we can be to an unknown soul
Is a difference that we can make
This may mean an inch of difference to us
but for her? talk to her and find out...
And experience it..!! 

The difference that you and me can make to
"An Unknown Soul"

Diana Roberts

Friday 24 May 2013

It's Life for me..!

The wind blows hard
The water gets harsh
The voice fades
And then the heart breaks....
Who? When? What? How?

I know nothing at all
The face is familiar
But I fail to accept the liar,
Past memories linger like a sweet perfume,
A slow poison to some
A murderer to many.
And for me.... It's LIFE!!

Did i ask for too much??
The truth is what I claimed..
But.. instead
Words were torn apart, faith - burnt alive,
Fear engulfed the present and the future,
Leaving me at a slow pace
To step into a new phase.

New Phase???
Time it will take
For pain is a battle I fight with haste.

Diana Roberts -

Friday 22 June 2012

When things got COLD!

She cries as she speaks…

The note that was left behind had life,
And now it’s gone but this day will never die,
The letter speaks for itself,
For we know not the pain of the heart that spilled,
Flooded was this letter with emotions that were unsaid,
The truth it speaks? Or is it ‘spider spun’ lies…..

I know not what to say……

The action I dreaded the most,
The emotions I feared possessing,
The words gain freedom,
Without a second thought it slashes your heart,
The tears filled your eyes and the sight of it killed me,
I know not what I said ,
It must have been harsh,
But the intention was not to make you bleed….

And now I stand by you,
While you rest,
The coldness is sensed,
Keep you warm is what I think…
But impossible is this act…
Life demands silence and it is what I will give..
The memories and my heart will be buried with you..
The curved roads has now taken us to a dead end
Nothing I have to say but visit your grave and pray

That your soul rests in peace..!!!!!

                                                                     -Diana Roberts


Friday 8 June 2012

I fall to the ground,
When I am ready and pleased,
The hand that picks me up is special or in need,
The heart could be full or empty in a squeeze,
The eyes, speak the truth and I’m not so pleased…

The loneliness is sensed with the warmth of your breath,
The heart swells and I can tell,
Your thoughts stray away with no vision ahead,
The desperation is high to be released,
But the pain clings on with no space to breathe.

The time has come to move on and start a new,
Where this road decides to take me I know not,
The blindness I consider freedom,
For the past needs to be put to rest.
I cling on to the memories and wish not to let go,
If the past decides to haunt,
I will cast a spell, so it never returns.
What life may hold I can never tell,
But freedom is what I yell,
To the heart that no more swells.

                                                -Diana Roberts

PURPLE it is for life......

The mask is worn all over again,
The laughter and sense of humor is all fake,
My emotions are transparent,
Transparent enough,
For me to see the pain.

An eye can fall quarry to it,
But words strike hard,
The stab is deep and hard to heal.
The memories never fade,
It’s fresh like Purple paint.

The stains of memories are scared for life
Yellow is the pathway I wish to hold on to,
That was the happiness I’ve had and now I miss..!!
Green comes my way and bad luck brushes it away.

Purples are what I’m left with.
The Colors I love may not be mine.
But colors written for me,
Will be those I’m stuck with for life,
Don’t have a choice but to be fine.